Volume 14 | Issue 2
Volume 14 | Issue 2
Volume 14 | Issue 2
Volume 14 | Issue 2
Volume 14 | Issue 1
As we know that art refers to the medium to express our emotions, thoughts or ideas to the people. If we talk about advertising that is the part of arts, then basically it can be explained as the way to promote our brand or a service so that the prospective consumer can know about it. But advertising is not limited to that point only; rather it also deals with the exchange of messages or ideology that is beneficial for the society as a whole. For example, it can be a message regarding violence, awareness about the rights of the people or to educate about their health issues like sanitation etc. In the same league, Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA) took an initiative to create awareness among the general public against smoking. Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA) is one such association of India with its headquarters in Mumbai that is continuously working in addressing early detection of cancer, awareness against it, providing treatment support, counselling, guidance and rehabilitation of patients suffering from it. The association was established in the year 1969 by Founder Chairman and CEO Mr. Y.K. Sapru. As it is widely known that cancer is called to be a ‘King of all maladies’ because it has so much of adverse effects that psychologically a person ingrained with so much of fear and miseries that he/she loses confidence and hope for life. So to make awareness on this serious issue of the society especially targeting the Tobacco consumers, Sonal Dabral (Ex Vice Chairman and Chief Creative Officer, Ogilvy South East Asia) through CPAA came up with a brilliant idea through a TVC that primarily focuses on about how smoking can be dangerous for a person and for his family too. The story crafted by him was a mega-hit and changed the perspective of the youngsters who thought that they were too young to die and only old men can have cancer and die from it