Volume 14 | Issue 1
Volume 14 | Issue 1
Volume 14 | Issue 1
Volume 14 | Issue 1
Volume 14 | Issue 1
International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IJFANS) follow the criteria for authorship as outlined in the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals. Briefly, an author is one who makes a substantial contribution to the design, execution, and/or analysis and interpretation of experiments in addition to drafting, revising, and/or approving the initial submission and any subsequent versions of the article. All authors of a manuscript must have agreed to its submission and are responsible for appropriate portions of its content. Submission of a paper before all co-authors have read and approved its final version is considered an ethics violation. IJFANS will not adjudicate disputes about authorship. If a dispute occurs, we will refer the issue to relevant institutions. Changes to authorship require approval of all authors.
All contributors who meet these criteria are listed as Authors. Their exact contributions should be described in the manuscript at the time of submission.
Conversely, all contributors who do not meet these criteria should be listed in the Acknowledgments section of the manuscript, along with a short description of their specific contributions.
A corresponding author must be designated for all submitted manuscripts. The corresponding author is the primary point of contact for communication with the journal office and is responsible for ensuring compliance with IJFANS journal policies. The corresponding author must ensure that all authors agree on the author list and contributions, and that all authors have seen and approved the manuscript prior to submission and to final publication. For published papers, the corresponding author is responsible for providing timely responses to queries about the paper or reagents therein
Authors are strongly advised to ensure the correct author group, the Corresponding Author, and the order of authors at submission. Changes of authorship by adding or deleting authors, and/or changes in Corresponding Author, and/or changes in the sequence of authors are not accepted after acceptance of a manuscript.
Please note that author names will be published exactly as they appear on the accepted submission!
Please make sure that the names of all authors are present and correctly spelled, and that addresses and affiliations are current.
Adding and/or deleting authors at revision stage are generally not permitted, but in some cases it may be warranted. Reasons for these changes in authorship should be explained.
Approval of the change during revision is at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. Please note that journals may have individual policies on adding and/or deleting authors during the revision stage
All authors should declare any conflict of interests related to the manuscript, these interests include but are not limited to commercial, personal, political, and intellectual aspects. All editors, editorial staff, and reviewers should also report potential conflicts of interest related to the submissions they are working with.
Authors should treat all communication with the Journal as confidential which includes correspondence with direct representatives from the Journal such as Editors-in-Chief and/or Handling Editors and reviewers’ reports unless explicit consent has been received to share information.
International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences accepts only manuscripts that describe original work. Copies of existing manuscripts with overlapping or duplicated material should be submitted together with the manuscript as supplemental data files so that the Editors can judge the originality of the material and its suitability for publication. Submission of duplicate content, already published elsewhere, will be considered a breach of ethical conduct and will trigger severe consequences.
All accepted manuscripts will go through a plagiarism and image screening check prior to publication. We use Crossref Similarity Check to detect for textual similarity with other publications, including instances of self-plagiarism.
The peer-review process and editorial scrutiny are the main mechanisms for ensuring the quality of published articles. To this end, the submitted articles are rigorously peer-reviewed to ensure the high-quality submissions are accepted and published; these published articles reflect the up-to-date research findings, with reliable and sound results, objective and unbiased discussion of the results.
IJFANS uses a double-blind peer review process for all its submitted articles.
All manuscripts are treated by the editorial staff, editors, and assigned reviewers as privileged and confidential information. Reviewers’ comments are not published. The reviewers’ identity remains anonymous. The manuscripts under review are not revealed to anyone other than the peer reviewers and editorial staff.
Appeals, complaints, or allegations of misconduct will be taken with utmost seriousness, regardless of whether those involved are internal or external to the journal, or whether the submission in question is pre- or post-publication. If an allegation is made to the journal, it must also be passed on to the publisher, who will follow guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) on how to address the nature of the problem.
IJFANS is committed to ensuring the highest standards of integrity in all aspects of its publication activities and expects that all authors submitting to an IJFANS journal have secured all relevant ethics or institutional review board approval for their research. A statement declaring this must be included in the article, along with the name of the ethics or institutional review board granting approval.
Where ethics or institutional review board approval is waivered, a statement declaring this must be included in the article along with the name of the ethics or institutional review board granting waiver status. Authors also declare that by submitting to an IJFANS journal this information will be made freely available to the Editor(s) upon request.
In accordance with guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics (where applicable), the Press handles different kinds of error. All articles have their proofs checked prior to publication by the author/editor, which should ensure that content errors are not present. Please contact the journal if you believe an article needs correcting.
Post-publication changes to the publication are not permitted unless in exceptional circumstances. If an error is discovered in a published article then the publisher will assess whether a Correction paper or Retraction is required.