IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Discussions on Prāyaścittavidhi in Sāmavidhāna Brāhmaņa

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Romi Biswas


In Vedic literature the word Prāyaścitta is particularly common in the form ‘Prāyaḥ '. The words Prāyaścitta and Prāyaścitti appear in Vedic literature in the same sense. The word Prāyaścitta was used earlier. “Prāyasya-citti-cittayoḥ”-According to this Vārtika Sūtra the word Prāyaścitta is formed. According to this Sūtra, “Pāraskara Prabhŗtini ca Saṃjňāyām”1, the word Prāyaścitta is Nipātane Siddha. “Prāyaḥ Pāpaṃ Samudiștaṃ Cittaṃ Tasya Viśodhanam. Yadvā Prāyasya Tapasaḥ Cittam niścaya iti”. In this sense the word Prāyaścitta is taken. Prāyaścitta is a Sanskrit word meaning forgiveness, condemnation, departure, repentance, deviation. It is one of the corrective measures of Dharmaśāstra as an alternative to imprisonment or other punishment when convicted of a particular type of crime. The term is also used in Hindu scriptures. Pra + Ayaḥ- that is, Prāyaścitta by definition. Prāyaścitta has to do with all three types of Karma, Nitya, Naimittika and kāmya.

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